Okumura was a speaker at Go Tech Talk

On November 30th, 2022, we held an event in collaboration with Mirrativ, Colopl, and our company!

Our solutions architect, Okumura, will be speaking at the event, so we'd like to share with you some of the presentations he made that day!
(CEO Takahashi also speaks a little bit.)
Event Overview
Title: [Go Tech Talk] Three-company joint LT for scalability

Announcement Contents
We have announced the following:
We have included a summary of the presentation content below, so please take a look at it when you have time.
We explained the Diarkis product itself and the real-time server.
Realtime servers are characterized by being stateless servers, unlike HTTP servers, and to give an idea of what they are, we introduced the example of "Project Sekai," where Diarkis has actually been implemented. In addition, because Diarkis is a closed-source product, we explained the issues that come with being closed, as well as the issues and solutions that come with being licensed software.
Issue 1: About the build
The challenge was how to get developers to build packages with hidden source code in Go.
I explained that they solve this problem by providing their own CLI tool for builds, authenticating each developer, and returning build results to them from a server that can see the source code internally.
Issue 2: Support during programming
Since the original source code was not available, there was an issue of not being able to receive support from the completion functions of editors, IDEs, etc.
I talked about how they are solving this problem by using Go's astutil package to analyze source code, extract definitions of variables, functions, and constants, and provide them to developers.
Issue 3: Kubernetes operation
Due to the nature of our product, users need to operate a server cluster. However, some people are not familiar with it, so we had to simplify the operation of k8s.
We addressed this issue by not using CRDs, simplifying container images, and simplifying deployment, including support on the application side.
Additional information about the announcement
During the presentation, I received some questions about the following points, so I will provide them here as supplementary information.
・Migration between servers
This does not mean migrating the entire process, but rather extracting specific data from memory and sending it to another server.
Thank you so much to everyone who tuned in, even though it was late at night!
We hope to continue creating opportunities for presentations like this on a regular basis in the future, so we would be delighted if you could come and visit us again when you have the time.
We would also like to thank Mirrativ and COLOPL for their cooperation!
I am looking forward to working with you again!
Diarkis is currently hiring engineers (client/server side/infrastructure)!
If you fit any of the following criteria, please feel free to contact us using the contact form on our website!
"I became interested in Diarkis after listening to the presentation."
"I'm interested in gaming-related work"
"Interested in network-related technologies"
"I want to try developing using Go and Kubernetes," etc.
I would like to start with a casual interview so that we can get a feel for each other.
If you have any technical questions, our staff will be happy to answer them for you!
We are also on Twitter and Facebook, so please feel free to follow us!
Contact us
For inquiries regarding Diarkis implementation, recruitment applications, etc., please click here.